About Mary

Rep. Mary Fosse is a mother of two, the wife of a veteran, a former small business owner, and our current State Representative in Olympia. She is well-known as a dedicated public servant, volunteer, and proponent of the rights of workers, families, and our most vulnerable. 

Mary currently serves on the Everett City Council, is on the Everett Public Schools Fiscal Advisory Council, and is a member and consistent volunteer for a variety of local organizations. She also recently led the successful grassroots campaign from D.C. to Olympia to secure nearly $5.5 million for the environmental justice cleanup of the historically underserved Delta neighborhood.


Having personally experienced childhood homelessness and poverty, she has also founded and secured funding for the successful Delta Kids program bringing school and arts supplies and community-driven educational programming to Hawthorne Elementary, supporting kids in need at the most economically disadvantaged school in the county.

Born into low-income housing to a single mother, Mary knows the barriers families face and what life is like for so many others in similar circumstances. Now as an accomplished professional and business owner who has risen out of poverty, she is committed to supporting equitable policies and programs that give people opportunities to overcome the obstacles they face, to have a job, a career, to have a safe home to raise their families and to eventually be able to give back to their community just as she has been privileged to do. 

Her community service and leadership has brought environmental justice, public art, cultural and community events, governmental transparency, infrastructure projects, and a variety of revenue and resources to her community. Awarded the 2019 Conservation Leader of the Year from the Snohomish Conservation District, Mary has led efforts to increase rain gardens, promote green and sustainable development, supply and educate neighbors on conservation and gardening resources, preserve North Everett’s last remaining wetlands, and helped expand North Everett’s tree canopy. 

Mary and her family live in the Delta neighborhood of north Everett. They have an expansive garden, six chickens, and enjoy spending time with friends and neighbors.